
The viral video of a kid who just wants someone to help him wash his hands. Oh goodness.

Oh, kids. Sometimes they say (and do) the darndest things.

Like crawl under the toilet stall door of a complete stranger asking for help to wash their hands. Wait… what?!

While dining with his family at a Chick-fil-A restaurant in the US state of Tennessee, four-year-old Levi Stevens needed a little… assistance washing up before his meal.

So he did what any curious kid would do and decided to ask a responsible looking adult. Except, this adult just happened to be in a stall. Doing his business. Pants down and all.

“What’s your name?” little Levi asks as he LITERALLY CRAWLS under the door.


“I want somebody to hold me and help me wash my hands. Do you wanna help me?”

Andrew Hall, an employee at the restaurant and Levi’s chosen helper of choice, filmed the whole exchange, and shared it on Twitter in a tweet which has now gone viral.


“I think your mum’s outside bro,” Andrew says, attempting to make the child GO AWAY so he can poop in peace.

But then Levi does something that every parent who’s ever had to drag a child along to a public restroom has experienced: he opens the stall door (from the inside) and waltzes on out, leaving Andrew at the mercy of the other strangers in the room.

“Can you just shut the door behind you?” Andrew says, to which Levi replies: “You just gotta lock it.”

Thanks for the tip, Levi.

Levi’s dad, Len, stumbled upon the viral Twitter video and apologised for his “very, very friendly” son.

“That’s my boy. I’m terribly sorry for the intrusion. He’s very, very friendly, sometimes a bit too much,” Len wrote.


LISTEN: This Glorious Mess unpacks the dilemma of a mum whose little boy loves kissing all his friends goodbye on the lips. Post continues after audio.

“You handled it extremely well. Thanks for being kind to him. I truly appreciate your understanding and sense of humour about this!”

Levi’s mother also responded to the clip, sharing on Facebook that when she told him to go wash his hands, she meant for him to accompany her to the women’s restrooms.

“He then runs as fast as he can straight to the men’s room! I was yelling at him to wait-not that one! But he didn’t listen…” Melissa Roach-Stevens wrote.

“I could hear him chatting with someone so I assumed everything was ok – it sounded like someone was maybe helping him – I was still contemplating just barging in and grabbing him but it wasn’t long and he came out.”

levi bathroom with parents
Levi with his parents Melissa and Len. Image via Facebook.

The next day, she got a call from a friend asking her if she had seen the "viral video of a kid that looks like Levi in the Chick-fil-A bathroom".

"I held my breath and watched the video...of my sweet, fearless boy asking for help to wash his hands," she said.

There's no denying that Levi - who is perhaps in need of a 'stranger danger' refresher - has the confidence of people four times his age.

But there's still one question we need answered: did Andrew ever help him clean his hands?

Unfortunately, by the time he was... finished... Levi had already left. But Levi's mum did confirm that he eventually made his way to the women's restroom to clean up.

Thank goodness for that.

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