
This video of an Adelaide mum screaming at her daughter's bully has people cheering. But should it?

Last week, a video circulated of a mother entering an Adelaide classroom. But she wasn't there to pick up her daughter.

Instead, she made threats towards another Year 8 student at St Paul's College in Gilles Plains.

The student is believed to be her daughter's bully.

"You ever f***ing mess with my daughter again I'll slit your f***ing throat," she yelled in the video obtained by 7News.

"I'll be waiting for you. And that smart little **** over there, yeah, you know what, you're just jealous because you're a **** ****. You're a **** ****."

Watch: The video footage of the classroom incident that occurred at an Adelaide school. Post continues below.

Video: @7NewsAdelaide

The video in question has people split into two camps.

Either they view it as a display of inappropriate behaviour and verbal abuse for an adult to confront a child in this way. Or they see a frustrated parent at her wits' end, doing what she could to protect her child.

The mum has since shared what she described as the "tipping point" that led to the incident.

Speaking to 7News, the mother acknowledged that her behaviour crossed a line, but said her daughter had endured a year of persistent bullying before the incident took place.


"I don't want my daughter to be another statistic. I don't want to have to bury my child," she told the outlet.

"She was crying, she was devastated that this child told her to go and hang herself."

"That is a breaking point for any parent … I went into survival mode, and protective mode. I did let loose. Unfortunately, it was a side I don't show very often. But that was a tipping point for that day."

Listen to this incident on Mamamia's news podcast The Quicky. Post continues below.

Mum claims the school did nothing to stop her daughter's bullying.

The mother claimed she had exhausted every available option, including making multiple pleas to the school administration for intervention, before the incident occurred.

She said her daughter's mental health had deteriorated significantly and she was driven to self-harm.

"I did everything in my power as a parent and so did my husband to make sure our daughter was safe, especially dropping her off at school," she claimed.

"The school has been negligent on their behalf, they have not done what they said (they'd) do. They have ignored all aspects about what we stated about the bullying with our daughter.

"I have stated time and time again to the school that we are begging. We begged for help. We begged. What everybody has seen of me is not who I am as a mother or as a person."

Reactions to the video have been mixed, with most in support of the mother.


"We are all with you mumma!" one TikTok user responded, with 11.4k likes in solidarity.

"I would rather attend court than my daughter's funeral," another added.

"I don't blame her, I'd do the same," another said.

"This was a last resort. The school ignored emails and calls. Gotta do what you gotta do. Hope it embarrassed the bully enough to put a stop to it," another commented.

However, others agreed it was inappropriate.

"Threatening other students like that as an adult biological parent or carer is unacceptable," one stated.

"Wow! This is a parent who clearly has zero clue about how to parent. If it was my classroom she came into of my child, I'd sue her into oblivion. Disgusting," another added.

"In no way was her reaction in a classroom okay, but also, schools are doing nothing about these bullies, and you can only take so much, this poor lady and her baby girl," added another.

The incident is now under investigation by South Australian authorities. Police have confirmed the student was not physically harmed during the confrontation.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please seek professional help, or contact Lifeline on 13 11 14, Headspace on 1800 650 890 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

Feature image: 7News Adelaide.

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