
It's like real life Gossip Girl. Only much, much more serious.

It’s like a real-life Gossip Girl.

Gretchen: “Trang Pak is a grotsky, little bitch.”

Regina: Still true.

Gretchen: Dawn Schweitzer is a fat virgin.

Regina: Still half-true.

Most of us remember Regina’s ‘Burn Book’ from the movie, Mean Girls. A teenage girls’ scrapbook that contained the secrets and horribly cruel taunts about every other student at their school.

Watching the film: we laughed. It was make-believe, an exaggeration, a product of artistic license, almost ridiculously over-the-top.

Just like the very popular television series Gossip Girl – about rich teenagers’ who had their secrets and indiscretions published by an anoymous fellow student on the internet – we enjoyed the content as theatre.

But fast forward 11 years and ‘Burn Books’ are going viral, using social media – rather than hard copy – as a platform to spread hate, rumour, lies and cruelty amongst teens.

One such ‘Burn book’ has taken off right here in Australia, in Adelaide. But this time it’s Mean Boys, rather than Mean Girls. And it’s one hundred times more nasty and one hundred times more public.

Mamamia was alerted to the existence of the Adelaide Burn Book today by one of our posters, she said:

 “Not a happy camper this morning – woke up to find an absolutely appalling Facebook page that apparently can not be removed as it does not violate any terms of service?!?!
 Its called “Adelaide Burn Book” and some moron named GossipLAD is bullying teens, naming and shaming, naming their schools, talking about sexual acts they have allegedly been involved in”

When we looked, we were shocked, horrified and frankly pretty scared about just how nasty these young teenagers can be. The virtual Adelaide Burn Book has been created by a teenager who goes under the name of ‘GossipLad’ (a clear reference to the Gossip Girl television series). His forte seems to be cyber bullying his fellow high school students with malicious sexual comments and gossip.


His vitriol spills from the page. In one post he asks his fellow students to rate the looks of young girls…


Not only are the students named but the schools they attend are also identified.  Hiding behind his online pseudonym ‘GossipLad’ quite clearly identifies several Adelaide High Schools.  The prestigious all boys Rostrevor College is mentioned along with Woodville High, Henley High and the exclusive Prince Alfred College.


There are insidious taunts of implied sexual acts between other students, many of them implied gay sex acts.

The original ‘Burn Book’ was in the 2004 movie, ‘Mean Girls’.

Extremely concerning is the number of ‘likes’ the page has garnered in just a few days on being online, with 2000+ students already following the ‘Burn Book’.

The cowardly creator obviously has no concern for the effect it may have on the students he so publicly names.

Several comments on the page ask him to take down posts. Some call for students who might know who GossipLad to report him to the police.

Others say that his parents will be ‘very very angry’ when they find out what he is doing.

South Australian Police have been notified of the ‘Burn Book’, as have the schools mentioned. Facebook too has had many complaints about the page. Yet at the time this post was published, the page was still still up and disturbingly active.


The anti-bullying group Teen Support Network Australia have called for the page to be removed. Posting on ‘Adelaide Burn Book’ today :

To MR or MRS GossipLAD, How would you feel if others where making up crap about you or Shouting out the Truth of what you did in the past. and Posting it on the Social Networking Sites for the world to see. People like you make me sick, Bullying others just because you think its cool, its not. People are taking there own lives because of things like this. “

What GossipLad is doing is undoubtedly cyber bullying, and undoubtedly against Facebook’s community standards policy.

This is Chloe Fergusson.

In light of cases like that of Chloe Fergusson – the 15-year-old girl who took her own life because of online bulling –  Mamamia takes what GossipLad is doing very seriously. For Chloe Fergusson bullying like this had a tragic outcome.

The 15-year old took her own life in September after her real life bullying intensified online with a series of Facebook attacks. As we posted earlier this week, Chloe’s sister Cassie has now started a push for anti-bullying legislation in every state of Australia, so that no family ever has to endure the pain she’s experienced.

It’s Cassie’s belief that “Chloe’s Law” could be the ultimate answer to stopping bullying once and for all. According to the Chloe’s Law Facebook page, which has amassed more than 260 000 likes, the aim of the group is to “create awareness and PREVENTION of Bullying from all walks of life.”

Mamamia is  going to report the Adelaide Burn Book page to Facebook and we’re hoping that if we make enough noise, Facebook will take notice. We hope that you will join us in making that happen.

Here’s how you report the page:

Please help us to have this page removed.

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