
"I’m about to achieve one of my biggest-ever life goals. I’m also about to turn 40."

Thanks to our brand partner, oua_MM07042015-OUA2

Not that I’m counting, but in 265 days I turn 40.

If there’s anything that I’ve learned in all my time on this earth, it is this: it’s never too late to change EVERYTHING.

On the outside, my life looks pretty shiny. I have a good job, a beautiful family and plenty of my favourite biscuits in the cupboard.

However, motherhood – while fulfilling and blissful and everything I ever dreamed it would be – still hasn’t erased the part of me that has some stuff left to do.

It’s never too late.

In fact, I have a lot of goals to achieve, and it makes life pretty exciting.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is an advertorial for OUA. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words. 

This year I’m about to achieve one of my biggest ever life goals. I’m about to complete my second post-graduate course.

The first one was just for fun. It was a creative writing course that I did from home in between nappy changes and cleaning up constant kid messes. But this year, things are getting real. This year I enrolled in a research degree because I’ve always had a secret desire to do a PhD in creative writing.

Related: Digging Deep, Facing Self; An online writing course to uplift, heal & transform women.

I’m not sure what the specific topic will be yet, but what I am sure of is the fact that at the end of this year, I will have opened the door to achieving an ambition I’ve had for years.

Go me, right?

Don’t get me wrong. It is really, really hard and some days I have a meltdown. On other days I just cry or turn my computer off and watch Real Housewives of Melbourne instead of studying. But that’s only because it means so much to me. I’m not taking time away from my kids to do an okay job. I have to do well.

I have 162 days until my thesis is due (again, not that I’m counting) and after that, I’m going to have to get me some new goals.

I have 162 days until my thesis is due.

A lot of my friends of a similar age are changing things up as well. We’re not upset that we are turning 40 (well, not much). We’re just really motivated to tick a few things off our lists because time does run out. The clock does tick.

Now that we are older we’re less influenced by any negativity surrounding our ambitions. Not that there is much of that. I’ve never been more surrounded by supporters than I am right now. What getting older reminds you of is the fact that you only get one life. So get cracking

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do? Do you have a secret desire, dream or ambition?
Do it. Just do it. Or start looking into doing it. Or at least thinking about it…

Related: GROUP THERAPY: How do you learn to enjoy being by yourself?

If you find yourself thinking, “I’ve always wanted to do that”, then it’s time to do “that”. None of us are getting any younger and you’ll never be in a better position than you are right now to make things happen. So go for it. Take chances. Achieve your goals. The only thing stopping you is you. When there is a will there is a way. Have I left out any clichés?

Before I start singing, I’ll leave you with this thought. When you really are old, it’s not the things you did that you will regret, it will mostly be the things you didn’t do.

If I can do it, Little Miss Easily Confused and Disorganised – then anyone can.

What is the one life goal you have always wanted to achieve? 

Here’s a collection of our favourite 40-plus celebs.



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