Women choose to have an abortion for many different reasons, but what happens when you want to terminate a pregnancy but can’t?
On a recent Reddit thread, women have opened up about how their lives turned out after they decided to keep or adopt out a child they didn’t initially want.
One woman said that in the end she just couldn’t go through with the abortion, so she decided to adopt her baby out instead. She found a wonderful couple who supported her throughout her pregnancy and agreed to an open adoption.
"Since giving my child up for adoption, I've gotten married and had a child with my now, late husband. I have an amazing job, about to go back to school for my MBA, and buy my first house," she wrote.
"It is an open adoption and I do weekly Skype calls with my daughter and her parents. She was at my wedding and is still a major part of my life. I have no regrets and going through with the adoption has been the hardest thing I've ever done, but I wouldn't change anything."