He may have been referred to as the Grinch, but you’ve never quite seen our PM like this…
He’s been accused of playing many roles on the political stage, and now Tony Abbott is being cast in the film of his life.
But exactly which film that is, remains to be decided.
Thousands have taken to Twitter to make suggests of which movie best reflects our embattled PM, and the tag #Abbottmovies is trending in Australia. And there’s certainly no shortage of ideas for Hollywood producers to take their pick.
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Maybe it’s a thriller…
Or a comedy?
Or a real-life drama?
Punny titles include The Lizard of Oz, The Last and the Furious and The Bill Dill. Whereas other, more understated titles, poke fun at Treasurer Joe Hockey along with the rest of the cabinet.
Other favourites include Crouching Taxman Hidden Hockey, The Shady Bunch and Honey, I Shrank the Economy.
Take a flick through to see some more of our top pics. (Post continues after gallery).
Tony Abbott Movies Gallery
Regardless of the fact that it’s a joke, this latest trend doesn’t look too good for the almost-ousted PM.
But, with a declining approval rating and continued whispers of another spill in the near future, it seems that Falling Down may prove to be a hit in the epic Hollywood-style blockbuster that is Aussie politics.