OK, I admit it.
I own a vintage style bicycle with a wicker basket and no gears. I trawl op shops on the weekend looking for oversized cream knits. I own two type writers (neither of which I use). I live in Redfern. And I was listening to Bon Iver “way before you”.
Yes friends, I am a hipster.
I don’t know hot it happened or when it even started but suddenly I’m that girl in the skinny jeans and Julia Gillard esque thick-rimmed glasses (for the record, I had those first too) lining up for a latte at the shop that only serves organic milk.
Apparently I need not worry. There’s a cure for people like me. It’s called Unpretentiousil. And it’s “guaranteed to stop douche-baggery at its roots”.
So, do you suffer from H-I-P-S-T-E-R disorder? Do you know someone who does? Spill….