For the last fifteen years I have hidden a deep, dark, secret. But today, the truth shall be set free.
The year 2000 was an exciting year.
Mad Cow disease was trending hard, headscarfs were a big thing, peddle pushers were on the up, and we were all celebrating not being wiped out at the start of the new millennium. The year 2000 was also the year I made my television debut.
I was in grade 7 at Ascot State School, Brisbane. Reigning supreme over my diaper-wearing serfs in the younger grades, I was ready for high school, ready for puberty, ready for everything discussed in Dolly Doctor, and ready for the WORLD! Which is why, when the casting call was sounded for Channel Ten’s hottest game show, ‘Download,’ I knew my Everest had arrived.
As an 11-year-old child, I was kind of like a tiny Donald Trump.
I was pompous, convinced I was a child genius, and pretty much had pegged myself as a future candidate to lead our nation. I also had a very strange hairstyle going on. Baby Trump, as I shall now refer to my 11 year old self, was overly confident, arrogant, and a major teacher’s pet. But that was all about to change.
I sailed through the tryouts, just as I fully expected to, and before long, the day of filming arrived. I was up early to slick down my hair and choose an appropriated outfit, eventually deciding on a silky, pale blue, button up shirt, paired with plaid pants and a silver ribbon. Slipping on my tiny Trump glasses, I was dressed for success: studious yet modern, intelligent yet full of adventure, androgynous yet….well, no, just androgynous.