
'The joy of clothes' by an 80yo fashion blogger

She’s 80 years old and our style icon of the future.

Dorothy (‘Dorrie’) Jacobson – former Playboy bunny, model and makeup artist – is the woman behind the blog Senior Style Bible. She’s got sass, style and talent.

And she’s on a mission to inspire women to find their signature style, whatever their age.

The Los Angeles local has 6000 followers on her Instagram, and 3000 Facebook likes.

Her core belief: "As we get older, it’s important to have a signature style that is modern, fashionable and "most importantly, still turns heads".

"Women over 60 tend to be ignored in mainstream media", she told Debrief Daily.

"I saw a lot of unhappy older women out there who felt unattractive and defeated," she said.

"It made me angry, so I decided I wanted to use social media to address ageism, and to fight the outdated notion that mature women needed to behave and dress in a way that was deemed to be 'age appropriate'.

So she went to work, modelling outfits herself to show her own 'senior style'.

"We are the forgotten women," she said.

"Fashion labels do not design clothing with a mature body type in mind, which makes it extremely difficult for older women to find high fashion, designer clothes that work for them."

Senior Style Bible launched at the start of this year with the help of her daughter Jodi, who's in marketing.

"Style and beauty are not reserved exclusively for the young. Senior Style Bible was launched to dispel that notion and prove that 'Old is the New Black'. Age is an attitude, and style does not have a sell by date," she said.


"When I started this I didn't even know what a blog was. Facebook and Instagram were a mystery too. It has been a challenge learning all of this social media business."

She has now developed a network of relationships with fellow bloggers, Instagrammers and followers.

"It's been quite a journey," she said.

"My goal [in the next year] is to create an online community where women can go for inspiration, information and style advice," Dorrie said.

"I have a lot of followers who are in their 20s and 30s... so, I think I also want to send a message that you can age in a way that's cool and beautiful."

"I get so many comments from young girls who are absolutely terrified of aging. However when they see that I'm on Instagram wearing high heels and leather pants at the age of 80, they realise that getting older is not something that they need to dread.

As for some of her style tips? "Eliminate the term "age appropriate" from your vocabulary and from your life" she said.

"Your style should be clothes that flatter you, that you love, and that make you feel pretty. It's important to have fun with fashion because it's a means of self-expression. The most stylish women in history were not the ones that followed all of the latest trends, they were the ones that broke the rules, figured out what suited them, and then wore it unapologetically with confidence."

"Aging can be done beautifully, healthfully and stylishly with real joy and passion. That's my message."

We couldn't agree more Dorrie.

Take a look at some of Dorrie's fabulous fashion moments here:

Find Dorrie's blog The Senior Style Bible here. And follow her on Facebook here. While you're at it, take a look at her Instagram account. You can find that here.

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