A negative outlook usually leads to negative experiences, but taking an optimistic approach to life, and everything it throws your way, can reap dividends and lead to positive experiences. Some evidence even suggests that being positive makes us happier, and happier people generally live longer.
Be in control of yourself
The biggest difference between people is their attitudes.
Don’t dwell on the past
What is gone is gone, and how you deal with the aftermath is the most important thing. There is no point apportioning blame, either on yourself or others.
Get off to the right start
On waking, take some time to lie there and think about the day ahead and your feelings about it.
Enlist help
If there is any particular task that you really can’t face alone, then enlist some help.
Be pro-active
If there are things in your day that you are truly going to struggle to be positive about, try and work out what is it about them that makes you feel that way.
Carry happy memories
If you are ever feeling negative, nothing quite perks you up like a happy thought. Think of the positive times in your life and when you were at your happiest.
This post was originally published here and is republished with full permission.