Has the world gone mad or are we finally getting serious about protecting our kids?
Earlier this month, Canadian John St-Onge was refused entry into a Legoland exhibition because he had no child with him – he was there with his adult daughter, Nicole. They were turned away to, ‘protect the safety of families and children.’
Despite their protests, management stuck to its guns, saying the only-people-accomanied-by-kids admission policy wasn’t a comment on Mr St-Onge’s character – the policy is written in the terms and conditions and applies to everyone. Mr St-Onge went home feeling he’d been discriminated against, that he’d been assumed to be a pervert when all he wanted to see was the Lego. He’d been a collector all his life.
But of course, the Legoland management weren’t to know that. They’re all about maintaining a safe place for kids to build spaceships and dinosaurs. Odds are Mr St-Onge is fine man, but who wants to take a chance in this day and age? Perhaps his hurt feelings are a small price to pay for child safety.
That seemed a bit over the top to me, but when I was talking about it with my friend Ellen, she said, ‘Yeah but remember when the kids were little and we’d take them to the swimming centre and those guys were always hanging around the toddlers pool? They had no kids with them.We complained.’
She was right, we did.
Two men – one in his fifties by the looks of him, and another, about twenty, would spend hours by the toddlers’ pool. They were there every day, and never had kids with them.
They never talked to anyone or took photos or DID anything dodgy, but we found their presence disturbing, so I complained to the manager.