The other morning, as I was trying to get ready, as well as get my three kids fed, dressed, kissed and to school on time, an ad for 60 Minutes blasts on my TV.
“These mothers think you have it all wrong,” it says, “and they have the scientific evidence to prove it.”
I didn’t watch 60 Minutes last night. I’m really hoping you didn’t watch it either. Suffice it to say that the segment was about attachment parenting, and mothers who choose to breastfeed indefinitely. It was supposed to make us angry. It was supposed to pit us mothers against each other.
And I have had a gutful of it.
The media is forever trying to create Mummy Wars, with Good Mothers on one side and Bad Mothers on the other side. And you know what? It’s BULLSHIT. Yes, there are bad mothers – mothers who physically or psychologically or sexually abuse their kids. Mothers who neglect their kids, who inject them with drugs, who leave them festering in their own waste for days at a time.
But most mothers, the vast, vast majority of us, are good mothers, who are just doing our best.
We all have our different ways of doing things and that is just FINE. Personally, I don’t care how any other mother parents. I don’t care if you breastfeed your child till they’re ten, if you’re both happy and comfortable about it. I don’t care if you work outside the home or if your child goes to creche or if you leave the house at six every morning. I don’t care if you co-sleep, or feed on demand, or put your baby on a schedule. I don’t care if you carry your baby all day in a sling, or do controlled crying, or put your child on a vegan diet or give them Maccas chips for lunch. I DON’T CARE. If you love your child and are making thoughtful decisions and educating them and keeping them safe and enjoying their company then that’s pretty bloody good in my books.