
5 things your boss wants you to stop doing at work.

Over the past few years the entire workforce has faced some big challenges and even bigger changes. 

From the development of flexible remote setups to staff shortages and the emergence of new reporting structures, it has been a time of great adjustment for employees and employers alike.

If you've been left feeling a bit rudderless throughout these changes, you're not alone. It's safe to say we’ve all been a bit in ~flux~. 

Whether you're unsure of your position at work or you're running into troubles with new processes, it might be a good time to reconnect with some best practices.

Getting aligned on some foolproof strategies can set yourself up for success in a healthy, supportive work environment.

Watch: How do you deal with criticism from an ex employee? Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

In order to get some intel on what these new look professional best practices are we chatted to co-founder of The Memo and founder of The BLOW, Phoebe Simmonds.

For more than 10 years, she has had experience not only founding incredible female-led businesses but also managing teams in the retail, brand and marketing spaces with great success.


With that kind of experience (and two businesses that are shaking up the game to boot) it comes as no surprise that Simmonds has a knack for what makes a harmonious working environment for both employees and employers.

Despite the broad spectrum of professional industries having nuance, Simmonds has honed in on five best practices she believes will help employees get the best out of their working relationship with their managers.    

1. Don't keep things to yourself.

"Strong, open and positive communication between team members is critical," says Simmonds. 

"There's nothing worse than when a team member shares their dissatisfaction about their role or working environment too late. If you're not happy, or if something isn't working, speak up. Most things can be solved with communication. Get it off your chest. Be heard. Be understood. Move forward."                  

2. Stop saying yes.                        

"As women we are conditioned to be people pleasers, thinking it's easier to say yes and give only positive feedback," says Simmonds.

"Surely if a manager says something, it must be right? Not true. Managers only know what they know, and if a team follows only one set of ideas from one person without them being tested or challenged, the business will be blinkered, unable to stretch, learn and grow. You've been hired for a reason – give your input, and if an idea has been shared that you think could be even better, share your point of view. 

"Good managers want to be challenged and a valuable team member is one who gives a damn, takes accountability for their role in the business and cares enough about the outcome to push it to be even better. Saying yes all the time is boring and stifles innovation."


3. Don't share problems without solutions.                        

"Rather than coming to a meeting with a problem, come with a solution," says Simmonds. 

"One of my favourite phrases to hear in the workplace is 'what I was thinking we could do is...'. If you have a problem, you should absolutely lean on your manager for support and guidance and to help brainstorm a solution, but real value and career growth will come when you start a meeting or conversation prepared with a fix already in mind. This shows leadership, that you care, and that you’re accountable for your role and function."             

4. Don't feel threatened.                    

"Every business will experience change, and while it's natural to feel insecure or overwhelmed by it, try to deal with it, and see it as an opportunity rather than a threat," says Simmonds.

 "After a restructure, an announcement of a new project or the resignation of a leader or colleague, your manager may not have all the answers, particularly straight away, so don't ask them for the details and don't sweat the small stuff. Embrace it, understand that change is inevitable and consider (then share) the gaps you could fill."      

5. Don't apologise for your need for a flexible work environment.             

"We all have different needs and businesses are richest when they’re embraced and supported, not apologised for," says Simmonds. 

"Whether you need a comfy and private room to breastfeed, pump from or pray from, a setup that supports your neurodiversity, or need to leave the office early for a daycare pickup, differences are a good thing and you shouldn't feel bad for requiring flexibility in your setup or working hours."   

Feature Image: Binge.

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