real life

Make time for intimacy. Repeat: Make time for intimacy.


Courtney Beck and her partner Jules.






30 Nights Of Nookie.

For some people, this might be their worst nightmare. For others, it’s everything they’ve always dreamed of. For us, it’s been fun, but also challenging. Actually, I think I’ve been the challenge.

I knew it was worthwhile though when my partner Jules said this.

“I’m really glad we signed up for the 30 nights of nookie.”


“Because it’s forced us to make time for us.”

Never in my wildest dreams, as a lesbian, would I have ever imagined a condom brand would have improved the intimacy in my relationship. Thank you Durex!

Admittedly, as much as I’ve been on board with our extracurricular activities, some nights I’ve dragged my heels to the bedroom. Which sounds insane, because I’m in a sickeningly happy relationship, but when I’m stressed, tired, and my mind is full of work, the last thing on my mind is sexy time.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Durex. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

I feel for Jules. Hitting on me after I’ve had a long day at the office would be a bit like hitting on this cat. So inviting, so sexy.

Lucky for me, Jules is very patient. She is my rock and the lady that brings me back down to earth on a daily basis. This last week has not been one of the easiest. We had some big decisions in our household and it was just more hectic than usual. So, when Jules reminded me of the program late one night, I remember saying in a very dramatic fashion, ‘JULES! I CAN’T DO THE PROGRAM TONIGHT! There’s only 6 hours until I have to be up again. I just need to sleep.’

And then this amazing woman said some magical words that turned me from a tiger into a kitten:

‘Why don’t I give you a massage?’


“Yes. Yes. That’s exactly what I need. Thank you.” I said as my glass case of emotion crumbled down around me.

I accepted the massage and it was just what I needed.

You see, people tend to assume this program is about sex. It’s not. It’s about intimacy. If you get on board with the program and put the time into connecting with your partner, then it’s likely that the nookie in your relationship will increase.

You have to commit to it though, even when the metaphorical shit is hitting the fan. Your routine will always go against you.

Also, the program will force you out of your comfort zone too with some of the activities, which is actually great for spicing things up a little. One of my finest moments so far was the night I had to instruct Jules on what I wanted her to do in the bedroom. My problem: Because I was so tired I had an uncontrollable laughing fit that went on for a good 15 minutes. That’s fine though, because eventually I wore myself out. Sex should be fun, and sometimes funny.

There was also another night where there was a bit of a striptease scenario going on, to which Jules tried to seduce me whilst wearing Ugg boots and track pants. It wasn’t particularly sexy either, but we had fun and we were relaxed. Isn’t that how nookie is supposed to be?

I’d like to thank Jules and Durex for transforming me from stressed out cat to this happy cat with a creepy, yet happy smile. Bring on week 4.


How do you amp up the intimacy in your relationship?

This article was originally published on, Reasons to Date Courtney Beck, and has been republished here with full permission.

Please don’t take a selfie like this afterwards… 




Developed with one of the country’s top relationship experts, Jacqueline Hellyer, the Durex 30 Nights of Nookie programme is a free, month-long challenge specifically designed to bring Aussie couples – at all stages of their relationship – closer together.

Find out more and register now at www. 

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