In my first two years and seven months of motherhood, I had three children.
I know what you are thinking... three kids, in just over two and a half years? Are there twins in the mix? Was that planned? No, there are no twins in the mix; and yes, they were all planned.
Out of 134 weeks, I was pregnant for 118 weeks.
Watch: Be a good mum. Post continues below.
I was four years into running my successful speech pathology company, working long hours, for six days a week. I’d worked closely, supporting thousands of mothers who had children with additional needs.
All too often I witnessed mothers were feeling like they were failing, or 'not good enough'. My life pre-kids was somewhat structured, routine, and fairly predictable. I understood how I 'fit' in the world.
Then my first child was born. This opened up a whole new world of excitement, joy, and new levels of deep love. It also opened up a new world of overwhelm, anxiety, and exhaustion - mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
I had embarked on the steepest personal learning curve of my life, and it called for some deep soul searching.