
Rachael Finch writes: 'Here's what 24 hours of my life really looks like.'

Mamamia asked Rachael Finch, writer, model and TV presenter, to share a day in her life with us.

She writes;

“There’s no such thing as a typical day in my life. Every day is different which I love and feel keeps things exciting. Throughout a week I could be on a photo shoot, filming with Channel 7, studying my Personal Training course, working on radio, in meetings or writing and preparing new material for events.

“Violet [Rachael’s daughter] is usually the first to wake in the household (if I don’t have an early photo shoot), and that’s around 7am. We lay in bed for a little while then get up to start the day.

“The first thing that goes into my body is a warm glass of water with lemon and apple cider vinegar. At the moment I’m also loving activated bee pollen after my water. It’s a complete source of nutrition and provides the body with all the elements of life. I have been feeling really good since starting to drink it a couple of months ago.


“Before breakfast I like to spend five-10 minutes on my Chi Meditation Seat. This sets my mind and body up for a strong and calm day – I usually put the chair out on my balcony in the fresh morning air.

“Meditation is unique to everyone and this is why I love it so much – every time I meditate I take in a new experience and get something different. The best thing about my Chi Meditation Seat is how comfy it is – it helps me fall into a relaxed state faster and easier. I like to start each meddy with three long breaths, in and out. I then focus on relaxing all of my body parts and think of nothing other than where I am, and my place on this earth. It’s incredibly cleansing.

To hear the daily routines of some of the busiest women, listen to I Don’t Know How She Does It:

“Meditation has truly changed my life, especially my perception, patience and gratitude. When I feel anxious, fatigued, or hormonally imbalanced I really believe meditation significantly helps to improve all of these.

“There are certainly a lot of hormonal changes happening in the body during pregnancy, not to mention the low energy and long list of other issues associated with being preggo. I have found that meditation during pregnancy helps to not only keep me calm and energised, but connects me with my baby in the most beautiful way.


“When I am focused on my breath, body and presence, I can really tune in to the life inside of me and listen. There are some days however where I don’t feel like meditating and would prefer to take a nap, go for a walk or simply continue about my day. I have learnt to be okay with that and not put pressure on myself to ‘do something every day’. We have enough stresses in our life to add more to it. I simply listen to my body and give it what it feels.

“Working full time with a baby can be very challenging. I have noticed it to be harder this time around being pregnant with another to take care of. I was quite sick in my first trimester and had very little energy which made it difficult to complete everything else throughout the day. But step my step, day by day, you take it slow and easy and get through it.

“My husband is incredible, I don’t know where I’d be without his help and love.


“I think the key is slowing down to breathe, listening to your body, showing yourself love and having a good support system around you.

“I start each working day at a new time. There are days I am shooting as the sun comes up and others I am on set at 10 or 11am.

“The key ingredient for surviving big days for me is working with a great crew. I love sharing laughs, stories and playing jokes on one another.

“To switch off I like to just sit with my family on the couch, meditate, take a bath with Violet or go for a long walk in the fresh air. One in a while I love to get a deep tissue massage, that’s my indulgence.

“Water intake is huge for me. I have read a lot, and understand how important it is to consume a lot of fresh water throughout the day, so I try and drink 1.5-2L. When I forget to drink it I notice headaches and cravings.”

Featured image supplied.

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