Wake up and smell the democracy everyone. Because while you were resting your weary champagne-damaged, cup-fever-addled heads, the world’s greatest superpower has headed to the polls. And over the course of today we’re going to see the first results of an election that will have a significant impact on the direction of global politics over the next few years.
‘Oh no!’ I hear you gasp, recoiling in horror at your desk (or couch) and banging your head violently against the keyboard. ‘But I don’t know sh*t about this all important electoral process! I don’t know my red states from my blue states. I wouldn’t have a clue about each candidate’s approach to energy policy. What’s a primary? What’s a caucus? And why is everyone yapping on about Ohio and Florida when the only US state I’ve ever visited is oh-so-nice-they-named-it-twice, New York?’
But never fear, my friends. Here at Mamamia, we’ve got you covered. Here is everything you need to know to be able to hold your own in a conversation about the election results in the tea room or at mother’s group today. That is… everything you need to know sans detail. We’re playing it fast and loose today. Quick and dirty. But giving you all the key facts just the same.
Let’s go.
(1) Who’s who and how did they get there?