
15 reasons why it's better to be a kid than an adult

Whenever my sons laugh until they fall over, disappear into a make-believe game or run across the room to hug me, I’m reminded of the glory of childhood.

One of the greatest things about being a parent is the constant reminder of what is so awesome about being a kid.

And while I realise that nobody is stopping me from doing any of these things now that I’m a grown-up, there is a very specific joy to being a little boy that I truly do not think can be duplicated in adulthood.

With that in mind, I offer a list of fifteen things my two little boys have, of which I’m insanely jealous.

1. Body Pride

Lying on the couch completely naked while eating freeze-dried strawberries and watching Curious George, all while giving exactly zero craps who sees you or what they think.

2.  A Chauffeur

Having somebody drive you everywhere you want to go, while you sit in the back seat with a juice box and marvel at every passing attraction, from a line of crows on a wire to a crane lowering lumber into a building.

3. Fearlessness

Playing with the same friend every single day for two weeks, and never worrying whether he’s sick of you yet.

4. Glorious Naïveté

Watching Scooby-Doo and never questioning the logic of a shape-shifting, ice-shooting, floating monster who was all along just a guy in a costume.


5. An Open Heart

Hugging without fear.

6. A Rich Fantasy Life

Standing on the arm of the couch and launching yourself, belly-first, onto the cushions while yelling “Suuuupermaaan!”

7. Emotional Freedom

Cry whenever, wherever, for whatever reason, if necessary. Having a massive tantrum when everything just feels bad and terrible and unfixable.

8. Boundless Creativity

Endlessly inventing impossible questions, such as: “What would happen if a tiger fought a shark?” or “If I were born on Mars, would I still be friends with Jake?” and “If this road were made of Jell-O, would we be able to drive on it?”

9. Limitless Faith

Believing in Santa and other magical, benevolent creatures who deliver gifts in the middle of the night.

10. Brutal Honesty

The ability to put food in your mouth and spit it out if it tastes bad, with minimal social consequence. 

11. Unbridled Glee

Screaming and jumping up and down with joy over minor events, like going out for pizza or a trip to Toys R Us.


12. Smallness

Falling asleep on the couch and being carried into bed, tucked in, and having your stuffed animals placed next to you exactly how you like them.

13. Emotional Security

Having a big, warm bed to climb into after a nightmare, with arms to hold you and tell you that everything is okay, and that you are safe.

14. Your Own Nightly Magical Wonderland

Stacks and stacks of beautifully-illustrated books, read to you in a soothing voice every single night before bed. Books that transport you to the magical island where the wild things are

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15. Freedom

Having your only job be kindergarten.

Joanna Schroeder is the type of working mom who opens her car door and junk spills out all over the ground. Her work includes being the “She” in She Said He Said, a sex and dating advice blog, and serving as Senior Editor of The Good Men Project. Joanna loves playing with her sons, skateboarding with her husband, and hanging out with friends. Her dream is to someday finish and sell her almost-done novel.

Follow her shenanigans on Twitter.

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