I first knew I was pregnant because of my dog. He’d always been a mild-mannered, loving pup, but suddenly he became protective. He would growl at the postman and wouldn’t let me leave the house without a security detail. Weird, huh. It was another week before my period was late and I realised why he’d been acting so weird.
We were over the moon and started planning right away. I got the whole gamut of symptoms: all-day sickness, constant need to wee, the exciting new ability to fall asleep halfway through my mid-morning meeting. But I knew we couldn’t tell anyone yet.
You see, we weren’t allowed. It was still “too early”.
Twelve weeks. That’s how long you wait. Preferably till after the nuchal scan, when you’ve got the all-clear.
But being unable to acknowledge it felt like it wasn’t really happening. I was lying to people I cared about. It was a life-changing event, and I had to pretend to everyone that my life wasn’t about to change. For three whole months.
1. You’re excited. Why hide it?
I was growing a human inside me. I was bursting with excitement – I wanted to share our news. But I felt like people would think I was stupid if I announced it too early. Stupid, and naïve.