She’s the baby-obsessed, tell it like it is midwife that everyone needs holding their hand in the birth suite. Amelia, or as she’s known to many in the Instagram world as ‘The Midwife Mumma’ is a mother of two and seasoned midwife, with a strong passion for supporting women through their pregnancy and birth journey.
So as a woman clearly in the know on all things birth, baby and vaginas, Amelia is sharing her top truths and tips when it comes to birth from a midwife’s perspective – no holds barred! Amelia says “I hope to those of you whom are expecting your baby or have recently given birth that the below gives you a good laugh and possible reality check of what lies ahead.”
So here we go…
Birth hurts
It bloody does! But that’s okay, we are human remember! Whether you are as calm as a chameleon, as fragile as a flower (totally me) or as strong as an ox, it hurts! It is just that some women have different coping mechanisms to others and display their discomfort in a different manner.
You are either a little bee humming your way through contractions or a raging bull trying to head butt the bed. Same same but different, you get me? No second guesses as to who I was during my labour! Either way, you MUST remember it is only temporary, millions of women are going through this at the same time as you and your little babe is worth every bit of discomfort three billion times over – I promise.
You will poo
You will. Even if your partner or midwife says you didn’t – I bet you did! But whatever, poo schmoo! We expect it, we clean it, we bin it and move on!
Gas does not make you sick – labour makes you sick
Women always say, ‘Ahhh the gas makes me feel sick’. No hun, your labour is making you feel sick and that’s the truth. Keep on sucking that magical gas girlfriend. The happy gas as I call it, makes you happy! Well for that contraction anyway – I swear the gas is good! I am turning you all off babies aren’t I? I LOVE THE GAS!!