
Can your kid do this? The list of milestones to reach before school

No need to stress about school starting, here’s a handy checklist of things to make those first weeks go smoothly

It feels like I had my son Giovanni just yesterday but here I am getting him ready to start school. Where did the time go? As I buy shoes and uniforms and lunchboxes, I realise there are a few things I’d better teach him before he starts school. I have two and a half weeks to transform him from dependent little boy to independent little man.

Some of the things I need to teach him are his own special little quirks which I really need to iron out, like how he always says he’s tired when he doesn’t want to do something, or a few choice words his older brother and cousins have taught him. Then there are those universal things all children should know how to do before they begin school to help make those first few weeks easier.

Here are 12 things your kids need to be able to do before they start school:

What tips would you add to this list?

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