
12 hospitality insiders share their most cringe worthy secrets.


There are certain behind-the-scenes things you might know from working in certain industries.
Such as the fact that the way you order a coffee can affect the price, to whether hotel staff actually wash the sheets (hint: some rarely do).

Read and learn, people. Read and learn.

(Celebrities shares their secret talents with Mamamia. Post continues after video.)

1. “It’s not a great idea to ask for the ‘special’ menu item on week days.”

“Chef here: Don’t order the special through the week, it’s left over from the weekend,” – stormshadow462

2. “Any fee is refundable… if you are really nice.”

“Customer service at a bank here. Any fee is refundable by any staff member if you are really nice and make my job easier. The second you are rude or demand I do something, I will make sure you never get a thing for the next 10 years.” – moun6776

3. “Don’t mess with people who handle your food.”

“As a former barista, if you treated me or anyone on staff with a bad attitude, you most certainly were given decaf espresso. I did that for three years and nobody ever noticed/complained. DON’T MESS WITH PEOPLE WHO HANDLE YOUR FOOD.” -pagelzilla (Post continues after gallery.)

4. “A smile goes a long way.”

“Front Desk Clerk at a hotel. A few things: Always ask if there are any discounts. I’m not allowed to tell you we have them until you ask. If you are a jerk to me, and want to whine and yell about the problems you are having with the room, or with the hotel in general, it’s going to get fixed a heck of a lot slower than if you are nice and polite about it. Especially if you are going to ask me to get you something that’s super up and above. A smile goes a long way. Be nice to your hotel workers!” – ravenfeathers555


5. “The down blankets are not always washed, only the sheets and thin blankets.”

“The down blankets are not always washed, only the sheets and thin blankets. The top cover is only washed on occasion but not after every check out. I don’t know if all hotels are like this, but the ones I worked at are.” – Anonymous

6. “When flying, bring an empty water bottle with you.”

“When flying bring an empty water bottle with you so you don’t have to pay $3+ for a drink after going through security.” – aarjaysee

7. “If you make a big enough scene, we pretty much have to do whatever you want.”

“I’ve worked in retail for almost 10 years, I currently work at a large ‘luxury’ clothing retailer. If you make a big enough scene, we pretty much have to do whatever you want. For example, a grandma gives you a sweater she held on to for two years with the tags on it but no proof of purchase? Freak out and a manager will probably bend over backwards to give you some sort of store credit.” – CrashBurnLove

8. ” ‘NQR’ is not an official diagnosis…”

“Handing over a patient (as a nurse), the handover notes will read ‘NQR’. It’s no official diagnosis, it’s just saying they’re ‘not quite right’ … they’re weird, odd and messed up, but it’s their ‘normal’, so not to stress.” –noodles22


9. “You can often change your arrival date after the cancellation cut off.”

“[I’ve been working] 10 years in hotels. You can often change your arrival date after the cancellation cut off. If it’s already 9pm and they tell you you they’re going to charge you whether you show up or not, see if you can change the reservation to the next day, then call to cancel in the morning. Front desk staff will work extra hard for you if you make it clear that you don’t think your problems with the hotel are their personal fault. Say, ‘I think you’re being polite and professional and I intend to speak well of you when I complain to the manager about my problem’ and they will do absolutely everything they can to keep you happy.”

10.”Ginger ale isn’t always as it seems.”

“Ginger ale isn’t always ginger ale. A bar I worked at used 1 part coke, 1 part sprite, and a dash of bitters,” –Anonymous.

11. “We pick the winner at random”

“You know the crossword you can mail in to your local paper for the chance to win a lottery ticket or whatever? We don’t actually check the answers. We pick a person at random and if the name sounds new(ish), you win.” –Holybasil

12.”In collections, we have way more cool sh*t than you’ll ever see.”

“I’m in the museum industry. Typically in collections, we have way more cool shit than you’ll ever see. Only about 2 per cent of objects are ever used in exhibits.” – stayuplate

What are some of the secrets from the industry you work in?

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