
"I had half of my eyebrows waxed off. She pulled the strip, walked out and then walked back in wearing glasses."


When you’re putting your nails/hair/legs/vagina in a professional’s hands, you trust they know what they’re doing.

After all, grooming is a serious, expensive and often painful business, so it’s not unreasonable to expect decent results.

But what happens when it all goes wrong?

RELATED: 4 things your beauty therapist is thinking while giving you a spray tan

If you have yet to be the victim of a beauty treatment gone wrong (lucky you) then you’re at least likely to have heard of a friend, or a friend of a friend who things didn’t quite go to plan for.

We asked around for people to share their worst salon experiences – We don’t know whether to laugh or cry in sympathy pain.


“I had a Brazilian a few years ago and it was the first time I’d been to that particular salon.  The woman started and said, ‘Have you had one of these before?’, and I answered, ‘Yeah but it was a while ago.’ Her response to that: ‘Yes, I can see that’.” – Lisa

“I have only ever had half a Brazilian. She did one side and I cried, pulled my pants up and left with a lopsided bush. I then got laser. Permanent and not as painful.” – Tara

RELATED: “That time I accidentally got a Brazilian wax.”

“I went to a salon and got a brazillian. They did it so fast my skin started to bleed. And my undies got stuck because they left wax on parts of my vagina so taking undies off was like another wax in itself. NEVER AGAIN.” – Fi


“I was getting laser on my entire bikini line. When it came to the time where I needed to get the area around my bum lasered, rather than ask me to pull me legs up, the woman asked me to flip onto my stomach, with my face muffled on the bed, and grab my bum cheeks and pull them apart.” (Post continues after gallery.)


“I had half of my eyebrows waxed off. She pulled the strip, walked out and then walked back in wearing glasses!” – Katherine


"I took my 15-year-old into one of those brow bars, thinking they would wax what was becoming quite the monobrow but instead they started to thread it and she was sobbing in the chair. Felt SO bad. They looked awesome afterwards though." - Charlie

RELATED: 4 clever ways to deal with thinning eyebrows


"I once got a spray tan and they said to be careful about the floor because it was full of fake tan from a leak in the machine and to only step on the towel. They forgot to mention that the towel was what they used to MOP UP THE FAKE TAN. Next day - perfectly golden body - bright orange soles for my feet. Normally not a problem, but I was going to a beach party, so I couldn't exactly not take my shoes off." - Bec

Not happy. Image via Friends.


"The other week, the hairdresser burned my neck (really, really badly - it hurt for ages after) with the hairdryer and then inexplicably I apologised and THEN he said to me 'Beauty is pain, darl'. - Charlie

RELATED: 6 ways you could be ruining your hair colour (without even realising)

"When I got my hair done for my Year 12 Formal, they gave me an apprentice hairdresser who got four hairbrushes stuck in my hair and then went to make a coffee for her boss. I cried." - Kylie

"My scalp burned when I got foils once because of the chemicals. I was screaming. Got a hectic bald patch after that." - Darcy.

Do you have a beauty horror story or bad salon experience? Share it with us below!

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