
This beauty blogger just applied 100 layers of foundation to her face.

We’ve all applied a little too much makeup at some stage, but this takes the cake (…face).

Beauty YouTuber Jeely is gaining attention for her latest video, where she films herself applying 100 layers of foundation to her face. ONE HUNDRED LAYERS.

The first thought in our mind is: why?

Jeely says she got the inspiration from other Swedish Youtubers as part of a makeup challenge “tag” which has seen people apply hundreds of layers of nail polish as well as do their entire makeup using liquid lipsticks or highlighters.

Throughout the six minute video, Jeely applies her foundation using a beauty blender sponge, getting visibly more emotional with each layer.


Image: YouTube/Jeely

"Well at least it's full coverage," she jokes after the first couple of layers.

As she hits the 20 layer mark, the despair begins."This kind of looks like a highlighter. It's greasy as f**k," she says.

At 40 layers, Jeely is forced to use a hairdryer to semi-dry the layers so she can continue applying more.

Three hours, 60 more layers and a hell of a lot of foundation later, she's done. (Post continues after gallery.)


"I have 100 layers of foundation on my face. Yep. What am I doing with my life? I have way too much free time," she concludes of her "flawless" base.

We shudder to think of the number of makeup wipes it took to remove it all.

The most surprising thing? Her choice of foundation which retails at about $65 a bottle.

"Are you using Make Up Forever? I would have used the cheapest thing I could get," wrote one commenter.

And if you're looking for something to complement your thick base, Jeely has also done a '100 layers of mascara' video. You're welcome.

Image: YouTube/Jeely

What do you think of these kind of makeup videos?

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