There have been some changes in our house this week – insignificant in the whole grand scheme of things but significant because of what they represent: the end of babyhood.
Child number three has moved from a cot to a bed and, being the multi-tasker that I am, I’ve also been toilet-training him. Nappies and cots are two such strong symbols of babyhood and here I am dispensing with both in the space of a week. My credit card will feel the immediate impact of no longer needing to buy nappies and I have felt the impact of knowing that my gorgeous little chubby bundle of bub is now, in his words, ‘a big boy’.
Still, as well as reflecting on what has now passed me by – as there will definitely be no baby number four in this household – I have also been quietly celebrating the things that I will not miss, now that we are well and truly done with babyhood. So here are the top ten things I am not sad to put behind me.
1. Pureeing baby food. It’s not just the steaming and pureeing that I’m glad I will never have to face again, it’s the storing of all the pureed food in ice cube trays in the freezer. I will not miss the array of bright green and orange and revoltingly brown cubes of smoosh that used to occupy my freezer.
2. Not knowing what’s wrong. At 2.5 years old, he now has more than enough words to tell me exactly what is the matter whenever he’s ill or cross or just having an extreme meltdown. Actually, some times not having quite so many words thrown at you in those moments would be nice but overall it is easier knowing that, when he has a fever, his ear hurts and thus it is likely to be an ear infection rather than all the other insidious conditions you imagine it could be.