This woman’s “ugly” body is not ugly. It’s fricking amazing.
Even though I have lost 75kg and I am at my doctor’s goal weight…
Even though I have been doing crossfit 4-5 days a week for almost 2 years and eat a very clean diet (90% of the time)…
Even though I am a certified personal trainer and a Spartan, a Rugged Maniac, a Warrior and a Triathlete…
This is what my body looks like (almost) naked:
Because of this I try very hard to stay focused on fitness goals as my measure of success rather than my appearance or the number on the scale or the size of my jeans…but sometimes…just sometimes, I forget.
A few weeks ago I did just that…I forgot.
I felt frustrated, discouraged and sad. I felt like all the hard work that I’d been doing wasn’t paying off and it made me want to give up. I spent a good week or so feeling sorry for myself, getting caught up in the vanity of it all.
Regardless of what it was, I decided that it was time to REALLY celebrate what my ugly body CAN DO rather than focus on what it looks like… or doesn’t look like.
I am PROUD of my ugly body because…