Whether you want to enhance a good mood or fend off a bad one, choosing your food carefully can help. To find a food to suit every mood, here are 10 of the most commonly felt emotions and their accompanying snacks.
If you’re feeling in need of a happiness boost, try upping your intake of oily fish to boost your brain health and mood.
Many people suffer from phobias, ranging from the common (like acrophobia – fear of heights) to the obscure (like arachibutyrophobia).
Next time you feel a rage coming on, try reaching for some nuts and seeds to help calm you down.
Got a big date coming up and want to get in the mood? Try some foods rich in zinc to stimulate the libido and enhance desire.
We all need a confidence boost from time to time, and luckily you can get a helping hand from your diet to relieve shyness.
Many people find themselves reaching for chocolate in the face of heartbreak, and this may be no bad thing.
If you’ve got a big interview or presentation coming up, try replacing your morning coffee (which can make you jittery) with a calming herbal tea.
Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by a busy day or are finding it difficult to wind down after work, try snacking on some blueberries to help cope with stress.
'Brain fog'
If you’re feeling confused, unfocused, forgetful, or like your mind is just running slow, give your brain a boost with a cup of green tea.
Whether you’re suffering from a lack of sleep or are generally feeling lethargic, drinking beetroot juice could help revive your energy levels.
This post was originally published here and is republished with full permission.